Website de Martha J. Hardman (University of Florida) sobre as línguas Jaqi (Jaqaru, Kawki e Aymara). "Jaqaru is spoken by a few thousand people in and around Tupe, Yauyos, Lima, Peru and by large numbers in the cities of Lima, Huancayo, Chincha, and Cañete. Kawki is spoken only by a very few people in and around Cachuy, Yauyos, Lima, Peru and is clearly a dying language. Aymara is the first language of one third of the population of Bolivia and is the major native language in Southern Peru and Northern Chile." O site oferece uma variedade de materiais sobre as línguas (análises gramaticais, textos segmentados e analisados, vocabulários, poemas, material didático, etc.) e o contexto histórico e cultural de seus falantes.
- Arusimiñee : castellano, aymara, guaraní, qhichwa (Ayma; Barrientos; Márquez F. 2009)
- Repensando los sufijos direccionales del aimara y otras lenguas nativas de Sudamérica (Cajavilca 2020)
- Living the Language: Aymara (Bolivia)
- Person hierarchy and its implications: The case of Aymara (Filimonova 2002)
- Jaqi
- Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory
- Backs to the Future
- How time flies
- Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics
- Lengua Andina
- Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Aymara