The Washington Post, Sunday, July 8, 2007. "[…] But the four unclothed visitors were a different kind of Kayapo. They [the recently-contacted members of the Kayapó tribe] spoke in an antiquated tongue that seemed a precursor to the language spoken in the village, located in the Capoto-Jarina Indian Reserve in central Brazil. The four men had come from a tribe that had remained in the forest, the brothers said, untouched by the modern world." |
- Los Kayapó de Matto-Grosso (Schmidt 1947)
- Los Kayapo del Norte (Dreyfus 1972)
- Les Kayapo du Nord (Dreyfus 1963)
- Die materielle Kultur der Xikrin, Zentralbrasilien (Hartmann 1965)
- Uma catechese entre os indios do Araguaya (Brazil) (Gallais 1903)
- Um mapa manuscrito da região do Rio Araguaia (1912) (Ribeiro 2017)
- Les Dominicains de Toulouse au Brésil (1881-1952): De la mission à l’apostolat intellectuel (Pic 2014)
- Carte de l'Araguaya en 1912
- Trekking in the Amazon forest (Werner 1978)
- Os Mebengokre Kayapó: história e mudança social, de comunidades autónomas para a coexistência interétnica (Turner 1992)
- Idiomas indígenas del Brasil (Nimuendajú 1932)
- Curt Nimuendaju: 104 mitos indígenas nunca publicados (Nimuendaju 1986)
- Evidências de relações genéticas na família Jê (Seki 1989)
- The pronoun systems of some Jê and Macro-Jê languages (Wiesemann 1986)
- Vocabularios indigenas (Socrates 1892)
- Ensaio de grammatica Kaiapó (Sala 1920)
- In den Wildnissen Brasiliens (Krause 1911)
- Über die hauptsächlichsten Ergebnisse der Araguaya-Reise (Kissenberth 1912)
- O nexo lingüístico Bororo/Merrime-Caiapó (Guérios 1939)
- Die Sprache der Cayapo (Ehrenreich 1894)