By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News, 24 May 2011. "Researchers examined how the Mundurucu think about lines, points and angles, comparing the results with equivalent tests on French and US schoolchildren. The Mundurucu showed comparable understanding, and even outperformed the students on tasks that asked about forms on spherical surfaces. The study is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." | "Tests given to an Amazonian tribe called the Mundurucu suggest that our intuitions about geometry are innate." |
- A construção do dicionário escolar Português-Mundurukú/Mundurukú-Português (Ferreira & Gomes 2011)
- (Etno)terminologia na (etno)medicina Mundurukú (Costa & Gomes 2011)
- Mundurukú
- Gomes, Dioney Moreira
- Concordância em Munduruku (Comodo 1981)
- Mundurukú: Phonetics, Phonology, Synchrony, Diachrony (Picanço 2005)
- Comparação fonológica do kuruáya com o mundurukú (Mendes 2007)
- Aspectos semânticos dos nomes classificados em Munduruku (Martines 2007)
- Estudo morfológico e sintático da língua mundurukú (Gomes 2006)