Nome preferencial: Sapé
Explicação: This is the most widely used name in the literature
Auto-denominação: (no clear whether Sapé is their endonym but there is no suggestion in the literature of there being a different endonym)
Nomes e grafias alternativos: Kaliána (Koch-Grünberg 1913, 1928), Kariana
Filiação genética: isolate
População: 9 according to the 2011 Venezuelan census
Falantes: 5 according to the 2011 Venezuelan census (but see below)
Situação sociolingüística: There were no Sapé people reported in the 2001 Venezuelan census (Medina 2008:740). The situation changed with the 2011 census when 9 people identified as Sapé. According to a special report by the Venezuelan Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas prepared for Rosés Labrada, 5 of these people declared speaking their language. Medina (2008:740) reports that the last fluent speaker (Mrs. Elena Lezama) passed away in 2004. Luckily, Medina was able to record Mrs. Lezama in 1999 with the help of her son Lorenzo and gathered a short vocabulary (140 words composed of the 100-item Swadesh list and some additional terms for local fauna and for material culture items), which is still unpublished. Additionally, Perozo (2008:175-176) reports that her team found 4 speakers of the language (2 in Karunkén, 1 in Boca de Ichun, and 1 in Kavamaikén) and they were able to collect 44 words and 5 short phrases. Finally, in a short documentary about the Sapé made in 2006 (see Román 2006), a Sapé descendant (Mr. Lorenzo Lezama, see above) mentions both knowing part of his language (e.g. birds, animals and rivers) and wanting to know more.
Localização: Upper Paragua River (Bolivar State, Venezuela)
Fonte(s) de informação: Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada (January, 2017)
Código ISO 639-3: spc
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(Esta página foi editada pela última vez em 26 Feb 2017 23:23.)

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