Nome preferencial: | Arutani |
Explicação: | Most widely used name in the literature |
Auto-denominação: | Urutani (according to Zamponi (accepted)) |
Nomes e grafias alternativos: |
Also known as: 1. Uruak or ɨrɨ'ak (Coppens 1983, 2008), which according to Zamponi (accepted) is the Ninam name for the group 2. Awaké and other variants of this word ("Auaké" in Koch-Grünberg (1913, 1928); "Aoaquis" in Lobo de Almada (1861), and "Oewaku" in Schomburgk (1841)), which according to Zamponi (accepted) is the Cariban name for the group. |
Filiação genética: | isolate |
População: | None reported in the Brazilian census; 16 in the 2011 Venezuelan census |
Falantes: | 8 (according to the 2011 Venezuelan census, although it is unclear if these are speakers of Arutani or of other indigenous languages) |
Situação sociolingüística: |
The language is either seriously endangered or extinct. On the Venezuelan side of the border, Perozo (2008:774-775) reports that her team found no monolingual Arutani speakers in the five communities visited along the Upper Paragua, but they did encounter one person in the village of Karunkén who self-identified as a speaker of both Arutani and Sapé. This has however not been confirmed. On the Brazilian side, Thiago Chacon (pers. comm.) has received reports of one possible female speaker living in a Ninam community along the Erico River and of another small family living in isolation in the Upper Amajari River area. |
Localização: | Along the Upper Paragua and Uraricaá rivers in the Venezuelan-Brazilian border |
Fonte(s) de informação: | Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada (January, 2017) |
Código ISO 639-3: | atx |
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(Esta página foi editada pela última vez em 26 Feb 2017 19:25.)