Glossing rules
For glossing rules, we recommend the use of the Leipzig Glossing Rules.
Formatting rules
We follow the basic formatting rules suggested by the Committee of Editors of Linguistics Journals in its Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics.
EtnoLink: What is it?
Did you notice the word [EtnoLink] added at the end of some of the bibliographic references in the Cadernos de Etnolingüística? EtnoLinks connect directly with sources that are freely available online, either through the Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendaju, our collection of theses, or through third parties. In the latter case, Etnolinguistica.Org hosts the file, giving due credit to the website of origin (by listing the original link as well). This is done in order to avoid link rot, guaranteeing stable and permanent availability of the third party open access source in case the original link becomes altered or deleted for some reason (which unfortunately occurs frequently).