The material civilization and social and religious life of the Žè Indians of Southern and Eastern Brazil (Ploetz & Métraux 1930)
Autor: Ploetz, Hermann & A. Métraux
Data: 1930(?)
Título: The material civilization and social and religious life of the Žè Indians of Southern and Eastern Brazil

Unpublished English translation of:

  • Ploetz, Hermann & Métraux, A. 1930. La civilisation matérielle et la vie sociale et religieuse des indiens Žè du Brésil méridional et oriental. Revista del Instituto de Etnología de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, tomo I, entrega 2.ª, Tucumán 1930, pp.107-238.

Leia The ever-changing material civilization of the Macro-Jê, por Jonas Gregorio de Souza

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