Autor: | Nimuendajú, Curt |
Data: | 1940 |
Título: | The kupá, a cultivated plant of the Timbira of Brazil |
Detalhes: |
Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association, held at the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and San Francisco, July 24th to August 12th, 1939 Traduzido por Robert H. Lowie |
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- A study of William Crocker's photographic and film archive relating to the Canela Indians of Brazil (Iuvaro 2017)
- William Crocker’s photographic collection among the Canela of Central Brazil (Iuvaro 2017)
- The Canela Diaries: Their Nature, Uses, and Future (Crocker 2007)
- Tempo, aspecto e modalidade em Pykobjê-Gavião (Timbira): a linguística em discussão (Silva 2017)
- Curt Nimuendajú im Gebiete der Gê-Völker im Innern Nordost-Brasiliens (Nimuendajú 1929)
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