Autor: | Gross, Daniel (ed.) |
Data: | 1973 |
Título: | Peoples and cultures of native South America : An anthropological reader |
Detalhes: |
Antes de cada texto há uma introdução do organizador Conteúdo: PART I: PREHISTORY 1. JAMES J. HESTER, Late Pleistocene Environments and Early Man in South America 4 PART II: SUBSISTENCE AND ECOLOGY 6. DONALD LATHRAP, The "Hunting" Economies of the Tropical Forest Zone of South America: An Attempt at Historical Perspective 83 PART III: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATION 11. KALERVO OBERG, Types of Social Structure Among the Lowland Tribes of South and Central America 189 PART IV: LANGUAGE 18. ARTHUR P. SORENSEN, JR., South American Indian Linguistics at the Turn of the Seventies 312 PART V: RELIGION AND IDEOLOGY 19. MICHAEL J. HARNER, The Supernatural World of the Jívaro Shaman 347 PART VI: SOCIAL CHANGE 22. MARVIN HARRIS, Race, Culture and Manpower |
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