Autor: | Ayma, Salustiano; Barrientos, José; Márquez F., Gladys |
Data: | 2009 |
Título: | Arusimiñee : castellano, aymara, guaraní, qhichwa |
Detalhes: |
2009 [ed. digital], 2004 [ed. en libro] |
- Fonética histórica Tupi-Guarani: Diferenças fonéticas entre o Tupi e o Guarani (Rodrigues 1945)
- Elementos lingüísticos de Oceanía en el Quechua (Palavecino 1926)
- Über Quichua sprechende Indianer an den Ostabhängen der Anden im Grenzgebiet zwischen Peru und Bolivia (Nordenskiöld 1905)
- Vocabulario Castellano-Quechua-Pano (Navarro 1903)
- Living the Language: Aymara (Bolivia)
- Grammatik des Jopara. Gesprochenes Guaraní und Spanisch in Paraguay (Kallfell 2010)
- Llama Poop Helped Inca Thrive
- Beyond Kon-Tiki: Did Polynesians Sail to South America?
- The Guaraní (Métraux 1948)
- Person hierarchy and its implications: The case of Aymara (Filimonova 2002)
- Dominicanos e jesuítas na emergência da tradição gramatical Quechua - século XVI (Cordeiro 2009)
- Quechua
- Jaqi
- Preserving Languages Is About More Than Words
- Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory
- Typological and social constraints on language contact: Amerindian languages in contact with Spanish (Rendón 2008)
- Backs to the Future
- How time flies
- Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics