- Some Crucial Distinctions in Central Brazilian Ethnology. Anthropos, LX, St. Augustin 1965, pp. 340-358, 1 tabela e 1 mapa no texto. Bibliografia.
Êste artigo dividido em duas partes trata, na primeira, das diferenças entre Tapuia e Gê, e, na segunda, das entre Chavante e Cherente. Os Tapuia descritos no século XVII não eram Gê, «though they shared a large number of cultural traits with them.» (p. 343). O autor concorda com Haekel «that there is no evidence either historical or ethnographic which would lead us to suppose that the Gê were driven inland from the coast. It seems clear that some tribes were and that certain of these were the ones designated by the blanket term Tapuya. They in turn were not Gê but were located between the well documented Tupí of the coast and the then virtually unknown Gê of the interior.» (p. 344).
A respeito dos Cherente e Chavante observa que estas tribos, no começo do século passado, eram «virtually indistinguishable in speech and custom, but that they considered themselves to be distinct polities and were recognized as such by travellers and chroniclers.» (p. 351). «It seems then that the separation of Shavante and Sherente occurred in the first two decades of the nineteenth century, but that they continued to live in close proximity to each other for at least another twenty years. ln the 1840's the Shavante were probably already moving westward en masse, although there is still a reference to them as being in the north of Goiás. Finally in 1862 they are located in eastern Mato Grosso and we have at last an indisputable criterion for distinguishing between Shavante and Sherente—a distance of 500 kilometres.» (p. 355).
(p. 458-459)