

CROCKER, William H.

Êste trabalho apresentado à VI Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia trata sinteticamente de mitologia, cerimônias, espíritos, médicos-feiticeiros e abstenções dos Ramkókamekra-Canela, chegando à seguinte conclusão: "The mythology includes no gods, in the festivals no supernatural beings are addressed, and there is no attempt made by groups or by individuais to influence supernatural agents or bring about advantageous changes. The utilization of the supernatural is limited to the explanation of origins (cosmological and personal magic power), the obtaining of information, and the validation of the information received. This leaves the Canela relatively more consciously in command of his world than is often the case. The responsibility for the use and maintenance of his own magical power is considered to be his rather than a supernatural agent's." (p. 172).
Acrescenta o autor, porém, numa nota de rodapé: "The comunicação based on this manuscript was presented in São Paulo on the day, the 10th of July 1963, of the armed attack through which the Ramkokamékra-Canela were driven from their lands by 190 bandoleiros summoned and hired by the neighboring fazendeiros. In the revitalistic movement, with messianic and cargo cult aspects, which contributed significantly to provoking this attack, the degree of Canela reliance on the supernatural as a source of authority for cult behavior was very high. This shift in the responsibility for decision-making and the giving of orders from natural to supernatural agents is being considered an important qualitative change in the orientation of the Canela religious system." (p. 165).

(p. 220-221)

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